Knowledge transfer and pedagogical learning environment design in the focus of Polar Partners team in Peru
A consortium of companies from the UK and Finland were selected as Peru’s delivery partner to rebuild 75 public schools in Peru as a part of Peru’s bicentenary year in a special Government-to-Government project Bicentennial schools, Proyecto Especial de Inversión Pública – Escuelas Bicentenario (PEIP-EB).
As part of the Koulu consortium, Polar Partners is collaborating in the development of local school construction know-how and raising the level of education in Peru’s public schools. The consortium leads the program in co-operation with Peru’s Ministry of Education.
Koulu consortium is bringing international best practices in PMO services, technical assurance, Building Information Modelling (BIM) procurement and knowledge transfer of large-scale school infrastructure programs to PEIP-EB across the project lifecycle (2021-2024) with the focus on transferring knowledge and creating a long-lasting legacy for Peru.
Country: | Peru |
Size of the project: | 75 schools |
Actions: | – Raising the level of education in Peru’s public schools – Leading the knowledge transfer team – Creating knowledge transfer strategy accross the organisation with a formal training program and supporting the on-the-job learning – Assessing individual capabilities and organisational maturity during the program – Designing flexible learning environments – Creating pedagogical training to use optimally the new learning spaces in schools with train-the-trainer model |
Results: | – Knowledge management strategy and implmentation plan – Over 80 training courses for the client’s teams with thousands of hours social learning and on-the-job learning activities – New innovations in school building design – Training course for to support over 5,000 teachers in the new schools – More than 114,000 students benefit from the program |
Period: | December 2021 – Ongoing |
Comprehensive knowledge transfer program to capacitate the local team
For Polar Partners, the essence of the project lies in knowledge transfer and education development. Our team is leading Knowledge transfer activities across Koulu and in collaboration with PEIP-EB – we are helping our client to develop their capabilities and know-how in school construction with 70-20-10 learning and development framework. Knowledge transfer team with the support from experts in Koulu creates a comprehensive professional training program with over 120 courses (10%) with hundreds of hours social learning (20%) and on-the-job learning activities (70%) for the client.
Our team is also a part of the pedagogical team with the focus on designing student-centered and sustainable multifunctional learning environments and designing the training course of 21st century learning and the optimal use of the new learning environment with train-the-trainer model to support over 5,000 teachers in the schools.
In the end the goal is to provide new and safe school buildings, better learning opportunities and have a positive effect to the lives of over 114,000 students and their families across Peru.
More about the project:
- Polar Partners together with KOULU consortium delivering 75 schools to Peru
- Helsingin Sanomat – Suomalaisyritykset voittivat brittien kanssa suuren koulukilpailutuksen: Sopimuksen arvo lähes 700 miljoonaa euroa
- Yle – Suomalaiset rakentavat 75 koulua Peruun – 700 miljoonan euron projektin vetäjä: “Tämä on historiallisen suuri avaus koulutusviennille”
- Aamulehti – Tamperelainen Polar Partners sai jättisopimuksen: Neljä suomalaisyritystä rakentaa 75 koulua Peruun – ”Isoin yksittäinen kauppa, jonka olemme koskaan tehneet”
- Tekniikkatalous – Suomi sai koulutusviennin superdiilin Peruun – sisältää 75 koulun jälleenrakentamisen
- Projektiuutiset – Suomalaista koulurakentamisen osaamista kymmenilla miljoonilla Peruun
- Mittava koulujen uudistushanke käynnistyi Perussa – suomalaisyritysten osuus jättipotista kymmeniä miljoonia euroja
Project manager:
Janita Relander
Marketing, HR & Project Management
+358 50 3293 466