Vocational training and business development center in Zambia

Creating a plan for a mining industry-focused vocational training and business center

Mining Finland commissioned Polar Partners to conduct a feasibility study to explore the possibilities for supporting the Finnish mining industry SME’s business opportunities in Zambia.

The feasibility study was focused on the establishment of a mining industry-centered vocational training and business development center in Zambia. The need for a permanent vocational center was identified during earlier visits to Zambia and from discussions with Finnish and local stakeholders.

Country: Zambia
Size of the project:12 public and private Zambian organizations
Actions:– Analyzing current needs for vocational training
– Analyzing future trends and employability forecasts
– Analyzing current vocational options
Results:– Vocational training needs mapped
– All relevant stakeholders identified and interviewed
– Roadmap for establishing a Zambian-Finnish vocational training center created
Period:April 2019 – September 2019

Field studies for supporting permanent model creation

The long-term vision was to create a permanent model for supporting Zambian capacity building and job creation, as well as helping the Finnish SMEs create connections with Zambian stakeholders and generating profitable business.

The project consisted of three phases:

1. Desk study of the current vocational skill gaps, future trends, and current Zambian stakeholders in vocational education and competence development sectors.

2. Field study in Zambia (Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe) including meetings with several educational institutions, chambers of commerce, development agencies, Ministries, and companies

3. Final report and a project plan on how to create a permanent Zambian-Finnish vocational and business development center in Zambia.

Several large mines expressed willingness to develop the local industry by working with the local manufacturers rather than international traders. Many companies had plans to open up a school and/or to educate the manufactures on supplier reliability, quality standards and technical skills so they could offer competitive services for the mines.

Zambian Development Agency

Polar Partners’ Finnish partners: Mining Finland, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, 22 Finnish higher education institutions, and vocational institutions.

Zambian stakeholders: Accelerated Growth for SMEs (AGS) project and The Copperbelt University.

Project manager:

Kimmo Kumpulainen

COO – Founder

Sales, Partnerships and Project Management

+358 50 5309 028